Spend less time preparing simulations, and more time analyzing your results.

Spend less time preparing data, and more time analyzing your results

Digitally analyze product designs using simulations without adding complexity to the process. Applied CCM helps smooth out the simulation process so you can focus on the results and build products more efficiently.


Meet your industry standard choice for CFD (computational fluid dynamics) mesh generation, covering all aspects of preprocessing, from geometry preparation to flow solver export.

OpenFOAM Support

Applied CCM can teach you how to confidently explore and apply OpenFOAM for computational fluid dynamics.

CFD Consulting

Optimize your company’s CFD workflow, with Applied CCM as your technology partner.

Why Applied CCM (Differentiators)

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Uncompromised Quality

Unparalleled experience in the application, support and development of open source and commercial CAE (computed aid engineering)

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Advanced CFD Consulting

We provide customer value by conducting industry-relevant R&D, so you can learn from our extensive industry experience


Personalized Software Recommendations

Applied CCM provides tailored application and workflow recommendations, so you can get the right workflow for your specific needs


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